Special Thanks to the Whittenberger Foundation

RFJ was honored as a recipient of grant monies from the Whittenberger Foundation.  This generous grant will help fund new helmets and tuition assistance for the annual All Abilities Camp slated for July, 2018.

The Whittenberger Foundation was established to continue "Mrs. Whittenberger's life-long interest in the welfare of children" with "priority [given] to innovative and enriching projects which significantly improve the quality of life for children and young people." 

The team and riders at Ride for Joy are grateful to the board of the foundation for choosing All Abilities camp as a deserving program.

Welcoming Two New Coordinators!

The RFJ Staff is excited to announce the final changes of 2017. 

Lauren Zimmerman has accepted a move into the Fundraising Coordinator position left vacant by Christi King's move into Executive Director.  Lauren has been with Ride for Joy since her youth, holding a wide variety of positions over her many years.  Her vast connections in the community and her ability to network, along with her passion for Ride for Joy and organizational skills, make her a positive choice for RFJ's financial future.

Filling Lauren's vacated roll of Volunteer Manager is Cindy McBride, known around the barn as The Volunteer Extraordinaire.  Cindy joined RFJ in 2016 as a side walker and quickly became a go-to for any task needed.  During the summer of 2017, she worked as the interim Volunteer Manager.  Despite having little time to prepare for the roll, she quickly learned her way through the process of scheduling the indispensable volunteers for each lesson.  With a session in the roll already under her belt, she is ready to jump right in.  

Both of these women are sure to help RFJ continue positive steps forward in 2018.

2017 Blows to a Close

2017 was a year of exciting changes at Ride for Joy.  Many wonderful additions to the program have changed the face of the barn. 

Four new horses have added youth and strength to the therapeutic herd.  Adult programming brought increased diversity to the students.  Ruck Up & Rebuild Retreat amplified opportunities for veterans to rejuvenate.  New staff and promotions improved cooperation and morale.  And two staff babies brought smiles and joy to all.

The RFJ staff and volunteers worked diligently through each change, even when the load was heavy, and counted each day as a success.  Through transformations large and small, Ride for Joy’s foundation has been strengthened immensely, promising an even greater 2018. 

Before 2017 blows to a close, two new, exciting changes will be announced.  Check back soon to see them announced…

New Website

Welcome to the redesigned RFJ website!  Special thanks to Christi King, our new Executive Director, for her many hours of research and work to get this beautiful site up and rolling.

It is hoped that this site will be more user friendly and increase online traffic for this terrific program.  

If you have any questions or suggestions for the new site, please contact hminer@rideforjoy.org.  

Enjoy and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.